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Number 117 (one hundred seventeen) is an odd three-digits composite number and natural number following 116 and preceding 118.

Properties of the number 117

Cardinalone hundred seventeen
one hundred seventeen
Number of digits3
Sum of digits9
Product of digits7
Number parityOdd
Calculation was done in 0.0000460148 seconds

Prime Factorization of 117

Prime factorization3 x 3 x 13
Prime factorization in exponent form32 x 13
Prime factors3, 13
Number of distinct prime factors ω(n)2
Total number of prime factors Ω(n)3
Sum of prime factors16
Product of prime factors39
Calculation was done in 0.0000178814 seconds

Divisors of 117

List of proper divisors 1, 3, 9, 13, 39
List of all dividers1, 3, 9, 13, 39, 117
Number of divisors d(n)6
Sum of all divisors σ(n)182
Aliquot sum 65
117 is a deficient number , since it is larger than the sum of its proper divisors (65). Its deficiency is 52.
Calculation was done in 0.0000150204 seconds

Prime numbers

Is 117 a prime number?No
Is 117 a semiprime number?No
Is 117 a Chen prime number?No
Is 117 a Mersenne prime number?No
Calculation was done in 0.0000209808 seconds


Is 117 a Catalan number?No
Is 117 a Fibonacci number?No
Is 117 a Idoneal number?No
Calculation was done in 0.0000069141 seconds

Number theory

Number theory is a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers and integer-valued functions.
117 is not a Happy number
117 is not a Humble number
117 is not a Münchhausen number
117 is not a Perfect number
117 is not a Perfect square
117 is not a Palindrome
Calculation was done in 0.0072870255 seconds

Numeric Bases of 117

In mathematics, a base or radix of a numeral system is the number of unique digits, including zero, used to represent numbers in that system.
Calculation was done in 0.0000238419 seconds

Mathematical operations

Mathematical operations are actions that are performed on numbers or mathematical expressions to find a numerical result.
Square of 117 (n2)13689
Cube of 117 (n3)1601613
Square root of 11710.816653826392
Natural Logarithm (ln) of 1174.7621739347978
Decimal Logarithm (log) of 1172.0681858617462
Calculation was done in 0.0000061989 seconds


Trigonometry is the study of the relationship between the angles and sides of a triangle.
Sine of 117-0.68969794093539
Cosecant of 117-1.4499100847594
Cosine of 117-0.72409719670047
Secant of 117-1.3810300668981
Tangent of 1170.9524935935095
Cotangent of 1171.049875827842
Calculation was done in 0.0000159740 seconds

Number parity

Parity is the property of an integer of whether it is even or odd.

Is 117 an Even Number?


Is 117 an Odd Number?

Yes, the number 117 is an odd number.
Total number of all odd numbers from 1 to 117 is 59
Sum of all the odd numbers from 1 to 117 are 3481
The sum of all odd numbers is a perfect square: 3481 = 59
An odd number is any integer (a whole number) that cannot be divided by 2 evenly. Odd numbers are the opposite of even numbers.
Calculation was done in 0.0000090599 seconds

Ban number

In recreational mathematics, a ban number is a number that does not contain a particular letter when spelled out in English; in other words, the letter is "banned".
The spelling of 117 in words is "one hundred seventeen", meaning that:
117 is an aban number (a number without the letter a)
117 is not an eban number (as it contains the letter e)
117 is an iban number (a number without the letter i)
117 is not an oban number (as it contains the letter o)
117 is not a tban number (as it contains the letter t)
117 is not an uban number (as it contains the letter u)
Calculation was done in 0.0000040531 seconds

Numeral systems

How to write 117 in other number systems?
Bengali numerals১১৭
Eastern Arabic numerals١١٧
Hieroglyphs numeralsused in Ancient Egypt𓍢𓎆𓐀
Khmer numerals១១៧
Japanese numerals百十七
Roman numeralsCXVII
Thai numerals๑๑๗
Calculation was done in 0.0001039505 seconds


How do you say 117 in 38 different languages?
Arabicمائة و سبعة عشر
Croatiansto sedamnaest
Czechsto sedmnáct
Danish et hundrede sytten
Estonianalafa ɖeka kple wuiadre
Filipinoisáng daán at labíng-pitó
Frenchcent dix-sept
Greekεκατόν δεκα­επτά
Hebrewמאה ושבע עשרה
Hindiएक सौ सत्रह
Icelandiceitt­hundrað og sautján
Indonesianseratus tujuh belas
Latviansimt septiņpadsmit
Lithuanianšimtas septyniolika
Norwegianhundre og sytten
Persianصد و هفده
Polishsto siedemnaście
Portuguesecento e dezessete
Romanianuna sută şaptesprezece
Russianсто семнадцать
Serbianсто седамнаест
Slovakjedna­sto sedemnásť
Slovenesto sedemnajst
Spanish ciento diecisiete
Swahilimia moja na kumi na saba
Turkishyüz on yedi
Ukrainianсто сімнадцять
Vietnamesemột trăm mười bảy
Calculation was done in 0.0214989185 seconds


Number 117 reversed711
ASCII Code117u
Unicode CharacterU+0075u
Hexadecimal color (shorthand)#111177
Unix TimestampThu, 01 Jan 1970 00:01:57 +0000
Calculation was done in 0.0000331402 seconds
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